Pobierz bezpłatny numer czasopisma naukowego – “Energy Policy Studies” No. 1(1)2017

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No. 1 (1) 2017
ISSN: 2545-0859

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Ewa Mataczyńska – Blockchain technology impact on the energy market model
Dominik Brodacki – The efficiency of financial incentives in the development of the electromobility sector in the Netherlands
Sebastian Podmiotko – Regulation of public charging stations in proposed polish law on electromobility and alternative fuels
Jakub Prugar, Paweł Węgrzyn – The role of oil and natural gas in the context of low-emission transport by 2030
Urs Unkauf – Book review: the natural gas exports of Turkmenistan. Energy and geopolitical interests in the caspian region