- BEng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit Piotr Koszelnik – Rzeszow University of Technology
- BEng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit Tadeusz Markowski – Rzeszow University of Technology
- BEng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit Marek Orkisz – Rzeszow University of Technology
- BEng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit Andrzej Sobkowiak – Rzeszow University of Technology
- BEng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit. Jarosław Sęp – Rzeszow University of Technology
- PhD, DSc, ProfTit. Grzegorz Ostasz – Rzeszow University of Technology
- PhD, DSc Marzena Czarnecka, Assoc. Prof. UE – University of Economics in Katowice
- BEng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit Władysław Mielczarski – Lodz University of Technology
- BEng, PhD, ProfTit Piotr D. Moncarz – Stanford University (USA)
- Prof. Jakub Godzimirski – Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (Norway)
- BEng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit Daniel Słyś – Rzeszow University of Technology
- BEng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit Eugeniusz Mokrzycki – Centre for Sustainable Management of Minerals and Energy.
- BEng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit Sebastian Werle – Silesian University of Technology
- BEng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit Jacek Kamiński – Centre for Sustainable Management of Minerals and Energy.
- BEng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit Lech Lichołai – Rzeszow University of Technology
- BEng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit Mariusz Oleksy – Rzeszow University of Technology
- BEng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit Grzegorz Budzik – Rzeszow University of Technology
- BEng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit Józef Dziopak – Rzeszow University of Technology
- BEng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit Barbara Uliasz-Misiak – AGH University of Science and Technology
- PhD, DSc, ProfTit Piotr Mickiewicz – University of Gdańsk
- PhD, DSc, ProfTit. Jarosław Gryz – War Studies University
- PhD, DSc, ProfTit Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse – University of Warsaw
- PhD, DSc, ProfTit Andrzej Podraza – The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
- PhD, DSc, ProfTit Zbigniew Czachór – Adam Mickiewicz University
- PhD, DSc, ProfTit Bogdan Koszel – Adam Mickiewicz University
- PhD, DSc, ProfTit Artur Gruszczak – Jagiellonian University
- PhD, DSc, ProfTit Jolanta Itrich-Drabarek – University of Warsaw
- PhD, DSc, ProfTit Paweł Grata – University of Rzeszów
- PhD, DSc, ProfTit Andrzej Misiuk – University of Warsaw
- PhD, DSc, ProfTit Agnieszka Pawłowska – University of Rzeszów
- PhD, DSc, ProfTit Marcin Jurgilewicz – Rzeszow University of Technology
- PhD, DSc, ProfTit Eryk Kosiński – Adam Mickiewicz University
- Prof. Alexandra Galhano – University of Porto
- Prof. António Tavares – University of Porto
- BEng, PhD, DSc Tadeusz Olkuski, Assoc. Prof. AGH – AGH University of Science and Technology
- BEng, PhD, DSc Adam Szurlej, Assoc. Prof. AGH – AGH University of Science and Technology
- BEng, PhD, DSc Grzegorz Masłowski, Assoc. Prof. PRz – Rzeszow University of Technology
- BEng, PhD, DSc Lidia Gawlik, Assoc. Prof. IGSMiE – Centre for Sustainable Management of Minerals and Energy.
- BEng, PhD, DSc Wiesław Bujakowski, Assoc. Prof. IGSMiE – Centre for Sustainable Management of Minerals and Energy.
- BEng, PhD, DSc Piotr Jankowski-Mihułowicz, prof. PRz – Rzeszow University of Technology
- BEng, PhD, DSc Andrzej Majka, Assoc. Prof. PRz – Rzeszow University of Technology
- BEng, PhD, DSc Damian Mazur, Assoc. Prof. PRz – Rzeszow University of Technology
- BEng, PhD, DSc Dominik Strzałka, Assoc. Prof. PRz – Rzeszow University of Technology
- BEng, PhD, DSc Agnieszka Pilarska, Assoc. Prof. UPP – Poznan University of Life Sciences
- BEng, PhD, DSc Agnieszka Stec, Assoc. Prof. PRz – Rzeszow University of Technology
- BEng, PhD, DSc Marta Witkowska, Assoc. Prof – The University of Warsaw
- Colonel BEng, PhD, DSc Szymon Mitkow, Assoc. Prof. WAT – Military University of Technology
- Captain PhD, DSc Marcin Górnikiewicz, Assoc. Prof. WAT – Military University of Technology
- PhD, DSc Leszek Jesień – Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne – Polish Electricity Networks
- PhD, DSc Jan Chadam, Assoc. Prof. UMCS – Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
- PhD, DSc Iwona Włoch, Assoc. Prof. PRz – Rzeszow University of Technology
- PhD, DSc Beata Zatwarnicka-Madura, Assoc. Prof. PRz – Rzeszow University of Technology
- PhD, DSc Grzegorz Zamoyski, Assoc. Prof. PRz – Rzeszow University of Technology
- PhD, DSc Mariusz Ruszel, Assoc. Prof. PRz – Rzeszow University of Technology
- PhD, DSc Justyna Misiągiewicz – Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
- PhD, DSc Jacek Reginia-Zacharski, Assoc. Prof. UŁ – University of Lodz
- PhD, DSc Radosław Bania, Assoc. Prof. UŁ – University of Lodz
- PhD, DSc Paweł Kowal, Assoc. Prof. ISP PAN – Polish Academy of Sciences
- PhD, DSc Joanna Dyduch, Assoc. Prof. UJ – Jagiellonian University
- PhD, DSc Rafał Ulatowski, Assoc. Prof. UW – University of Warsaw
- PhD, DSc Ryszard Machnikowski, Assoc. Prof. UŁ – University of Lodz
- PhD, DSc Tomasz Stępniewski, Assoc. Prof. KUL – The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
- PhD, DSc Grażyna Wojtkowska-Łodej, Assoc. Prof. SGH – Warsaw School of Economics
- PhD, DSc Paweł Borkowski, Assoc. Prof. UŁa – Lazarski University
- PhD, DSc Beata Molo, Assoc. Prof. KAAFM – Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University
- PhD, DSc Sylwia Mrozowska, Assoc. Prof. UG – University of Gdańsk
- PhD, DSc. Agnieszka Legucka, Assoc. Prof. AFiB Vistula – Vistula University
- PhD, DSc Izabela Oleksiewicz, Assoc. Prof.. PRz – Rzeszow University of Technology
- PhD, DSc Cezary Kościelniak, Assoc. Prof. UAM – Adam Mickiewicz University
- PhD, DSc Krzysztof Tomaszewski, Assoc. Prof. UW – University of Warsaw
- PhD, DSc Marek Wróblewski, Assoc. Prof. UWr – University of Wrocław
- PhD, DSc Tadeusz Olejarz, Assoc. Prof. PRz – Rzeszow University of Technology
- PhD, DSc Krzysztof Zamasz, Assoc. Prof. PŚ – Silesian University of Technology
- PhD, DSc. Michał Domagała, Assoc. Prof. KUL – The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
- PhD, DSc Tomasz Kubin, Assoc. Prof. UŚ – University of Silesia in Katowice
- Colonel PHD Andrzej Lis – Director of the Center for Doctrine and Training of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland
- PhD, DSc Zdzisław Gawlik, prof. UMCS – Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
- PhD, DSc Katarzyna Dośpiał-Borysiak – University of Lodz
- PhD, DSc Krzysztof Zamasz, Assoc. Prof. PŚ – Silesian University of Technology
- PhD, DScColonel Michał Domagała – The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin