[ARCHIVE PAGE - 8th edition of the Conference in 2023]
The 8th Conference "Energy Security - Pillars and Development Perspective", September 11 - 12, 2023.
The event is one of the most important meetings of the energy industry in the country, a venue for the presentation of concepts and scientific and expert discussions.
The theme of the 8th edition of the conference will be energy security in the context of the energy transition and energy sector turbulence. Plenary and thematic panels will focus on the following issues:
- role of large and small nuclear in Polish energy policy,
- development directions of hydrogen economy in Poland,
- impact of the war in Ukraine and the energy crisis on energy transition processes,
- NATO's comprehensive approach to energy security,
- local content of offshore wind energy,
- security aspects of nuclear facilities,
- disinformation risks for energy sector,
- decarbonizing district heating,
- energy efficiency and renewable energy sources,
- importance of the transport system for maintaining business continuity of energy critical infrastructure,
- civil-military co-operation for energy security,
- anti-drone systems in the context of treats to critical infrastructure,
- historical activities of persons of merit in the development of the oil industry.
The previous edition of the conference, supported by the NATO Public Diplomacy Division, attracted more than 300 stationary participants. There were 163 speakers on 28 panels, including 30 international guests. Participants represented 33 research centres and 60 institutions. Participants included representatives from government, universities, research institutes, think tanks and managers from companies in the energy sector. The event was supported by 26 partners, 22 honorary patrons and 30 media patrons.
The Conference is organized by the Ignacy Lukasiewicz Institute of Energy Policy in cooperation with the Ignacy Lukasiewicz Rzeszow University of Technology and with the support of the Department of Economics, Faculty of Management, Rzeszow University of Technology. The role of coordinator of tasks related to the organization of the Conference was performed by the Institute of Energy Policy.
We believe that the creation of a platform for holding discussions involving scientists, experts, representatives of public administration, energy companies, non-governmental organizations, as well as business journalists and students, will contribute to the development of scientific output in this area of knowledge.
Traditionally, during the conference, Ignacy Łukasiewicz awards will be presented to individuals and institutions involved in creating energy security.
General Partner:
Strategic Partners:
Content Partner:
Silver Partners:
Bronze Partners:
- Asseco Poland
- EuRoPol GAZ
- Veolia
- Towarowa Giełda Energii
- Olesiński i Wspólnicy
- Polskie Towarzystwo Elektrociepłowni Zawodowych
Supporting Partners:
- TAURON Ciepło
- Alpetrol
- aeroMIND
- MPWIK Rzeszów
- MPEC Rzeszów
- Inżynieria Rzeszów
- ZM Ropczyce
- Fundacja Rozwoju Politechniki Rzeszowskiej im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza
Honorary Patrons:
- The Chancellery of the Prime Minister
- Minister of Climate and Environment
- Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Minister of State Assets
- Minister of Digitization
- Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy
- President of the Energy Regulatory Office
- Podkarpackie Province Governor
- Marshal of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship
- Mayor of the City of Rzeszów
- National Atomic Energy Agency
- Polish National Energy Conservation Agency
- Head of the National Security Bureau
- Chairman of the Economy and Development Committee of the Polish Parliament
- Committee on Energy, Climate and State Assets of the Polish Parliament
- Committee on Digitization, Innovation and New Technologies of the Polish Parliament
- Rector of the Rzeszów University of Technology
Media Patrons:
- cire.pl
- BinzesAlert.pl
- TVP3 Rzeszów
- gospodarkaPodkarpacka.pl
- energetyka.plus
- Offshore Wind Poland
- GospodarkaMorska.pl
- Energetyka
- Smart-Grids.pl
- nowaEnergia.com
- Energetyka Wodna
- Radio Centrum
- 2k Technologie
- Gazeta Politechniki Rzeszowskiej
Scientific journals cooperating with 8th Conference:
- Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej – 140 pts (history and political science and administration
- INSTAL – 100 pts.
- International Agrophysics – 100 pts (mechanical engineering, environmental engineering, mining and energy, pharmaceutical sciences, agriculture and horticulture, food and nutrition technology)
- Central European Management Journal – 100 ptst (management and quality sciences)
- Studia Wschodnioeuropejskie – 140 pts (linguistics, literary studies)
- Facta Simonidis – 100 pts (history, security sciences, political science and administration)
- Przegląd Europejski – 100 pts (political science and administration)
- Rocznik Bezpieczeństwa Międzynarodowego – 70 pts (security sciences, political science and administration)
- TEKA of Political Science and International Relations – 40 pts (political science analysis of social, economic, cultural and political processes at the level of the state and at the level of the international environment)
- Studia i Materiały – 70 pts (economics and finance, management and quality sciences, legal sciencese)
- Problemy jakości – 70 pts (management and quality sciences)
- Zarządzanie Innowacyjne w Gospodarce i Biznesie – 40 pts
- Polityka Energetyczna – 40 pts (environmental engineering, mining and energy)
- Energy Policy Studies – 20 pts (environmental engineering, mining and energy, security sciences, political science and administration)
- Czasopismo branżowo-naukowe Technologia Wody – 5 pts (environmental engineering)