[ARCHIVE PAGE - 7th edition of the Conference in 2022]

The event is organised by the Ignacy Lukasiewicz Institute for Energy Policy in cooperation with the Rzeszow University of Technology.
The main objective of the Conference is to contribute to the scientific and expert discussion on energy security policy and the broader energy sector. We believe that the creation of a platform for holding debate involving scientists, experts, representatives of public administration, energy companies, NGOs, business journalists and students will contribute to the development of scientific output in this area.
The main thread of this year's discussions will be energy security in the context of the current energy market turmoil and the parallel energy transition. Plenary and thematic panels will address:
- directions for the development of the hydrogen economy,
- the position and role of large and small nuclear power,
- offshore wind energy,
- hybrid threats to the security of critical infrastructure,
- the dangers of disinformation campaigns,
- development of renewable energy,
as well as an assessment of the energy security of NATO's eastern flank countries in the context of Russian Federation policy, and an analysis of the changes taking place in global energy policy as a result of the war in Ukraine, with lessons for Poland and Western Europe.
The year 2022 is the Year of Ignacy Łukasiewicz due to the 200th anniversary of his birth and 140th anniversary of his death of this outstanding Pole - pharmacist, entrepreneur, independence activist, social activist, philanthropist, inventor of the kerosene lamp and founder of the world's first oil mine, pioneer of the oil industry in Europe, as well as patron of the Institute of Energy Policy and the Rzeszów University of Technology. It is Ignacy Lukasiewicz who will be the subject of one of the conference panels.
Moreover, during the Conference the Ignacy Łukasiewicz Award in the field of energy security will be presented and the 2nd edition of the Competition for the Most Innovative Energy Local Government will be adjudicated.
For the second time, the Conference is supported by The NATO Public Diplomacy Division. This is the only conference in Podkarpacie and one of the few in the country, in the organization of which the structures of the NATO joined.
The honorary patronage of the VII Conference was assumed by the following: Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, Minister of Climate and Environment, Minister of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, Minister of State Assets, Minister of Education and Science.
Speakers will include: Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment and Government Plenipotentiary for Renewable Energy Sources - Ireneusz Zyska; Minister of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania - Dainius Kreivys; PhD; Deputy Minister of State Assets - Karol Rabenda; former Minister of Climate and Environment - Michał Kurtyka, PhD.
Participants in the discussion will also include: Piotr D. Moncarz, BEng, PhD, Adjunct Professor at Stanford University (USA) - CEO & President of the Geothermic Solution / Senior Fellow at Exponent; Brig. Gen. Tomasz Kowalik, PhD - Deputy Chief of Staff – Support at the Multinational Corps Northeast (MNC-NE) – NATO; Marc D. Thoreson - Program Manager of the Central Europe Pipeline System (CEPS) at the NATO Support & Procurement Agency (NSPA); Dominik P. Jankowski - Political Adviser / Head of the Political Section at the Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Poland to NATO; Maciej Kolaczkowski - Manager Oil and Gas Industry at the World Economic Forum; Monika Morawiecka - Senior Advisor at the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP); Santiago Gallego - Co-Chair of the ETIP SNET WG 1; Roberto Zangrandi - Secretary General at the European Distribution System Operators (E.DSO); Anna Mikulska, PhD - Baker Institute, Rice University (USA)
This Conference is supported by
Strategic Partners:
Main Partners:
Silver Partners:
- Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (Polish development bank)
- Polska Spółka Gazownictwa (PSG)
- Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne (PSE)
- Eversheds Sutherland Poland
Bronze Partners:
- Office of Technical Inspection (UDT)
- Towarowa Giełda Energii (TGE)
- Gas-Trading
- Gas-Trading Podkarpacie
- Olesiński i Wspólnicy
- Municipal Waterworks and Sewage Company in Rzeszów
- Polska Ekologia
Supporting Partners:
- Fakro
- Asseco Poland
- Inseqr
- Inżynieria Rzeszów
- Zakłady Magnezytowe "ROPCZYCE"
- The Ignacy Łukasiewicz Museum of Oil and Gas Industry Foundation in Bóbrka
- Development Foundation of the Rzeszów University of Technology
Honorary Patrons:
- Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland
- Minister of Climate and Environment
- Minister of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland
- Ministry of Economic Development and Technology
- Minister of State Assets
- Director of the Government Centre for Security
- President of the Energy Regulatory Office
- National Centre for Research and Development
- E.DSO for Smart Grids (European Distribution System Operators)
- President of the Statistics Poland
- National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
- Polish National Energy Conservation Agency
- Chairman of the Economy and Development Committee of the Polish Parliament
- Committee on Energy, Climate and State Assets of the Polish Parliament
- Committee on Digitization, Innovation and New Technologies of the Polish Parliament
- Union of Polish Maritime Cities and Municipalities
- Podkarpackie Province Governor
- Marshal of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship
- Mayor of the City of Rzeszów
- Rector of the Rzeszów University of Technology
Institutional Partner:
Media Patrons:
- Interia.pl
- Interia BIZNES
- CIRE.pl (Centrum Informacji o Rynku Energii)
- BiznesAlert.pl
- GospodarkaMorska.pl
- WysokieNapięcie.pl
- TVP3 Rzeszów
- Polityka Insight
- Energetyka.plus
- Energetyka Wodna
- Smart-Grids.pl
- CNG-LNG.pl
- gazeo.pl
- BalticWind.EU
- Portal Stoczniowy
- kierunekENERGETYKA.pl
- Energetyka Cieplna i Zawodowa
- Nowa Energia
- Wodorowy Świat
- Energetyka
- Teraz Środowisko
- PortalKomunalny.pl
- Energia i Recykling
- Magazyn Biomasa
- Wiadomości Naftowe i Gazownicze
- Napędy i Sterowanie
- Gazeta Codzienna Nowiny
- Nowiny24.pl
- GospodarkaPodkarpacka.pl
- Gazeta Rzeszowa i Okolic
- Gazeta Politechniki
- Radio Centrum
Scientific Journals:
- Central European Management Journal – 100 pt
- International Agrophysics – 100 pt
- Journal of Elementology – 70 pt
- Studia Wschodnioeuropejskie – 70 pt
- Przegląd Europejski – 70 pt
- Rocznik Bezpieczeństwa Międzynarodowego – 40 pt
- TEKA of Political Science and International Relations – 40 pt
- Studia i Materiały – 40 pt
- Zarządzanie Innowacyjne w Gospodarce i Biznesie – 20 pt
- Modern Management Review – 20 pt
- Polityka Energetyczna – 20 pt
- Zeszyty Naukowe Instytutu Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi Polskiej Akademii Nauk – published as a monograph, chapter 20 pt
- Energy Policy Studies – 5 pt
The previous VI edition (2021) of the Conference was attended by over 300 participants (190 speakers included), representing 55 scientific centers from Poland and abroad. There were 36 plenary and topical panels and 16 scientific posters presented. The VI Conference was supported by as many as 20 Honorary Patrons and 51 Media Patrons. The two-day debates were followed by a total of nearly 29 000 Internet users. Among the participants we have hosted many representatives of public administration, as well as representatives of energy companies.
The VI Scientific Conference (2021) was supported by the Public Diplomacy Division of NATO Headquarters. It was the only conference in Podkarpacie and one of the few in Poland, in the organization of which the NATO structures were involved.
Video summary of the VI edition of the Conference (2021):