EPSBelow you will find information on the publishing ethics used by the Editorial Board of the Energy Policy Studies (EPS). All entries are based on the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).



Ethics and Authors

All articles submitted to the EPS must be independent, original works of Authors. The Author should inform the Editorial Board about sources of financing of the publication and about all entities that actively participated in creation of the paper. If Author will find any errors in his or her publication, he or she is obliged to report it to the Editorial Board immediately.

Duplicate publication

Papers that were published in other journals or books, or even submitted in other redactions will not be considered for publication in EPS. In situation when on some stages of editorial work there will be a suspicion that the paper has been published or submitted for publication, the EPS Editors will thoroughly investigate the matter and its scope will be consistent with the COPE recommendations.


The EPS editors condemn all manifestations of plagiarism. All data and publications used during creation of the paper should be indicated by the Authors. In case of suspicion of plagiarism, the case will be thoroughly investigated. Appropriate pathways of investigation based on COPE will be applied. The degree of plagiarism will be carefully assessed. Depended on its degree, appropriate proceedings will be implemented. The Editors warn that in the case of evident plagiarism the work will not only be rejected, but also the Author’s superiors will be informed about the situation.

Data fabrication

The PDP Editors ensure the reliability of the results of scientific research. All papers submitted to PDP should thoroughly present the research process and the used data. All manifestations of manipulating results will be condemned, and the superiors of the Author will be informed about the matter.

Authorship of the paper and changes on the list of authors

All researchers mentioned as authors of the paper must have real impact on its creation. The EPS Editors condemn all manifestations of the ghost writing, guest authorship and courtesy authorship. In case of guest and courtesy authorship it is recommended to move the name to acknowledgment section. When the ghost authorship (e.g. the Author of a statistical analysis, etc.) will be discovered it is recommended to include him or her on the list of authors. In case of asking for changes on the list of authors of the paper at every stage of editorial work, the Editorial Board reserves the right to examine the matter more thoroughly before accepting the request.

Ethics and editorial work

Editorial Board of EPS journal takes responsibility for the whole editorial process and all of its stages, and also for content published in the Journal. During the editorial process we primarily use the principle of scientific reliability. In the case of ethical problems Editorial Board and Revivers follow the rules of COPE. There is a possibility of making correction, rejection, or withdrawal from printing in case of serious doubts regarding ethical issues.

Conflict of interest

All detected or reported conflicts of interest will be checked by the Editors. Until the matter is resolved all editorial work on the article will be stopped.

Ethics and review work

Reviver works on the paper anonymously. Review should be objective and consistent with the principles of scientific reliability. Criticism that refers directly to the Author is considered as inappropriate. The Reviewer should not have any relationship with the Authors of the text. The text over which the Reviewer works should be kept confidential and cannot be used by him or her in any way until its publication.