The Ignacy Łukasiewicz Institute for Energy Policy is implementing the project HISTORY OF ENERGY.
The project's strategic sponsor is Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (Polish development bank). The project's partner is the PGE Foundation.
The leading idea of the project is the Year of Ignacy Łukasiewicz. In 2022 we celebrate the 200th birthday anniversary of the pioneer of the global oil industry. Ignacy Łukasiewicz was also a pharmacist, entrepreneur and precursor of corporate social responsibility. He founded the world's first oil mine and invented the kerosene lamp.
The project is nationwide and includes a series of academic articles and podcasts focusing on the development of the oil industry from the time of Ignacy Łukasiewicz, then in Galicia as part of the Austrian partition, during the Second Republic and later until 1989.
The project will culminate with the publication of a special issue of the English-language academic journal "Energy Policy Studies" in print and an e-book containing all articles. The journal will be distributed to libraries around the world. Both the articles and the e-book will be available on the website of the Institute for Energy Policy and on the social media of the Institute for Energy Policy: