Will the sea help? The Baltic Sea and Poland’s Energy Security

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Poland’s energy dependence on the Baltic Sea is now close to 50%. With changes in global energy markets and transport routes, and a tense geopolitical situation fueled by Russian hybrid operations in the region – ensuring energy security is becoming a challenge. In a recent report titled. “Will the sea help? The Baltic Sea and Poland’s Energy Security” the authors provide a comprehensive analysis of the growing importance of the Baltic Sea to Poland’s energy policy goals.

The joint report by The Opportunity Institute for Foreign Affairs and the Ignacy Lukasiewicz Institute for Energy Policy, presented today (05.06.2024) at the “Three Seas One Opportunity: New Wave” conference in Gdansk, stresses that the concentration of generating capacity and import infrastructure in the north of the country has increased Poland’s energy security in recent years. At the same time, he points to the need to reflect on Poland’s growing energy dependence on the Baltic Sea, which could rise to 61% by 2040. Is it possible to base Poland’s energy future so heavily on one direction?

The report is available here.

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