Major Sponsor

Silver Partner

Bronze Partner

We invite you to participate in the 4th Scientific Conference “Energy Security – Pillars and Development Perspective”, which is planned for 1-2 April 2019 at the Rzeszow University of Technology. The conference is organized by the Ignacy Łukasiewicz Institute of Energy Policy and the Department of Economics of the Faculty of Management of the Rzeszow University of Technology in cooperation with the “Eurointegration” Student Academic Circle. The previous three Conferences were attended by 465 participants (representing 41 research centres), 2250 students and nearly 10500 Internet users. Among the participants we hosted 31 representatives of public administration, as well as 58 representatives of energy companies.


The aim of the Conference is to contribute to scientific and expert discussion on energy policy, energy security, and the wider energy sector. We believe that through discussions with scientists, experts, representatives of public administration, energy companies, NGOs, business journalists and students, we will be able to contribute to the development of scientific achievements in this area of knowledge.

We plan that the subject matter of the 4th Conference will be a continuation of the scientific discussion undertaken so far in previous editions and will try to answer further questions which have remained unanswered. At the same time, they recognise the changing political, economic and technological conditions, and we will discuss energy projects that can be a lever for economic development. We want to look for answers on how to create sources of competitive advantage by the state as well as by companies. The issue of energy transformation is becoming a major challenge, especially its shape and the speed of the process. We would like to discuss and consult on the detailed thematic content with the Scientific Committee of the Conference, which is why we are not defining it definitively at this stage. We are interested in political, economic, technological and social issues.

Major Sponsor: Asseco PolandPGNiG

Silver Partners: Self-Government of Podkarpackie ViovodeshipLOTOS GroupMPWIK RzeszówGAZ-SYSTEMPSEPolish Power ExchangeTF – KablePolskie LNGPERN

Bronze Partners: ML SystemPolish Development FundAspametGAS-TradingInżynieria RzeszówBUDMET – NOCOŃGrundfos – Pompy

Media patronage by: Polska Agencja Prasowa BiznesTVP InfoCentrum Informacji Rynku Energii (,, TVP3 RzeszówPolskie Radio Rzeszów,, Energetyka24, „Nowa Energia”,,  „Energetyka”,  GlobEnergia.plWiadomości Naftowe i GazowniczeNapędy i SterowanieGazeta PolitechnikiGospodarkaPodkarpacka.plRadio ViaGrupa medialna InfoRzeszównaŻywo.plCng-Lng.plPublishing House Seidel-PrzyweckiNowoczesne Technologie w PrzemyśleThe Warsaw Institute Review, Nowiny24Radio Centrum, BiomasaTrendy w Energetyce.

Honorary patronage by: Ministry of Entrepreneurship and TechnologyMinistry of Science and Higher EducationNational Security BureauMinistry of Environment and Government Plenipotentiary for Climate AffairsParliamentary Team for Offshore Wind Energy, President of the Energy Regulatory OfficeMinistry of Digital AffairsPresident of the Central Statistical OfficePolish Offshore Wind Energy SocietyNational Energy Conservation AgencyPresident of Rzeszów, Voivode of Podkarpackie VoivodeshipMarshal of Podkarpackie VoivodeshipRector of Rzeszów University of Technology,

Scientific journals cooperating with us: „Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation” – JEMI, „Geology, Geophysics & Environment”, Sprawy Międzynarodowe, „Environmental Protection and Natural Resources”, „Problemy Jakości”, „Zarządzanie Publiczne”, “Gaz, Woda i Technika Sanitarna”, Zeszyty Naukowe Instytutu Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią Polskiej Akademii NaukPolityka i Społeczeństwo”, “Studia i Materiały”Rocznik Bezpieczeństwa Międzynarodowego, “Instal“, „Technika Poszukiwań Geologicznych, Geotermia, Zrównoważony Rozwój”, „Zarządzanie Innowacyjne w Gospodarce i BiznesieForum Eksploatatora, “Transport Miejski i Regionalny“, „Energy Policy Studies”.

We expect further honorary and media patronage.

If you have any questions, please contact the Chairman of the organizing committee Mariuszem Ruszel, PhD ( or the secretary of the organizing committee Katarzyna Rozmus (

TERMS AND CONDITIONS 2019 (download .pdf)


The report from the 3rd National Scientific Conference “Energy Security – Pillars and Development Perspective” can be found at the following address: